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The AI Team

The following students have been supervised by Dr. Ed Sykes in the AI Lab.

Undergraduate Students

  1. <Undergraduate Student #1>
  2. <Undergraduate Student #2>

MSc Students

  1. <MSc Student #1>
  2. <MSc Student #2>

PhD Students

  1. <PhD Student #1>
  2. <PhD Student #2>

Post Doctoral Fellows

  1. <Post Doctoral Fellow #1>
  2. <Post Doctoral Fellow #2>

Prospective Students

If you are a student interested in pursuing a MSc or PhD under my supervision in my areas of interest, then please contact me. Students should be motivated, independent, and eager to learn and apply new concepts. Please provide as much information as possible about your background and interests – for example, you might describe projects which you have already undertaken or in which you are interested.